
3rd Asian Conference on Molecular Magnetism

The ACMM Conference on Molecular Magnetism in Busan this year was a really enjoyable and inspiring event. The international community was incredibly warm and welcoming, making it easy to connect with others and share ideas. The talks and discussions were engaging and full of new insights, sparking plenty of interesting conversations. Being in Busan added to the experience, with its lively atmosphere and great setting for such a meeting. It was a great chance to learn, connect, and feel part of a passionate scientific community. Our ANP team presented the latest results on ferromagnetic fluid hybrid materials. 



Die Abteilung Nichtlineare Phänomene der OvGU, Institut für Physik der Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, organisiert in diesem Jahr (Sommersemester 2024) zum ersten Mal ein internationales MINT-Projekt für Schülerinnen und Schüler. Tamas Smulovics von der John L. Miller - Great Neck North High School in New York, USA, nimmt an dem MINT-Forschungsprojekt teil. Seine Forschung konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung der Dynamik in neu entdeckten flüssigen Magneten, mit dem Ziel, die Wechselwirkung zwischen der Magnetisierung und den optischen Eigenschaften des Materials zu charakterisieren. Dies ist eine einzigartige Gelegenheit für ihn, Kenntnisse in den experimentellen Techniken und Präparationsmethoden von magnetischen Suspensionen zu erwerben, wie z. B. Polarisationsmikroskopie, AC-Suszeptometrie und Untersuchungen, mit dem mit der Universität Braunschweig entwickelten Aufbau zur Charakterisierung der magneto-optischen Dynamik durchzuführen. Mit seinem Forschungsprojekt möchte sich Tamas für den Regeneron Science Talent Search Wettbewerb für Highschool SchülerInnen bewerben, der von der Society for Science (USA) organisiert wird.


 New Paper!

I am delighted to share with you the exciting news that our paper titled "Fluid Fibres in True 3D Ferroelectric Liquids" has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It is a result of a joint effort by our team in Magdeburg and Merck Electronics KGaA, and I would like to express my gratitude to all co-authors for their unwavering dedication and support throughout the project.


We would like to extend our congratulations to Evangelia Zavvou for successfully defending her doctoral thesis, titled "On the Nematic Phases of Achiral Dimers and Strongly Polar Mesogens: Dielectric and Optical Investigations". Evi was a part of our group for a year, as a participant of the Erasmus Traineeship Programme.


We are thrilled to announce our contributions at SPIE.Optics Europe "Liquid Crystals Optics and Photonics Devices” taking place in Strasbourg (France) in April 2024.


Join us at the German Liquid Crystal Conference in Essen from 13.05 - 15.03.2024. Alexander, Hajni and Christoph present their research.


Christoph Klopp re-joined our team and will research biological active systems and microswimmers.



17.11.2023  10.30 Uhr  BA-Verteidigung von Herrn Anton Valentin Muráth

Thema der Bachelor-Arbeit: „ Numerische Simulation eines Vielteilchensystems im Fallturmexperiment “

Im Gebäude 16 Raum 245



We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new Master Programme in Soft Matter, jointly offered by the Institute of Physics at OvGU and Merck. This innovative programme takes a unique approach, combining fundamental knowledge with interdisciplinary research that is geared towards practical applications. The collaboration between the Institute of Physics OvGU and the Electronics and Display Technology Group at Merck KGaA offers students unparalleled opportunities to explore the field of complex soft multifunctional materials and expand their horizons. If you are interested in pursuing the physics of such materials, then we invite you to join us at IfP, OvGU. You are welcome to start from the bachelor level too.


Meet us at the Ferrofluid Workshop in Benediktbeuern from 21.09.2023 - 29.09.2023!


Active Matter at International Soft Matter Conference in Osaka: Our team successfully presented research on microswimmers in crowded anisotropic environments and mechanical properties of ferroelectric liquids at ISMC. A talk and a poster were presented by A. Eremin and F. von Rüling.


We launched the Laboratory for Magnetic Fluid Dynamics in collaboration with the Institute for Electrical Measurement Science and Fundamental Electrical Engineering TU Braunschweig. The characterisation techniques include AC susceptometry, precision magneto-optical measurements in AC and rotating magnetic fields in the time and frequency domains and magneto-mechanical spectroscopy. Current research covers such systems as ferrofluids, ferromagnetic liquids, and liquid crystalline hybrids. he lab provides an excellent opportunity for physics students to undertake their bachelor's and master's projects on magnetic soft matter. Many thanks to Prof. Frank Ludwig and Melvin Küster for the wonderful cooperation and support!


The Department of Nonlinear Phenomena at OvGU and the Department of Complex Matter at Jožef Stefan Institute have launched a joint challenge on Fluid Multiferroics. This exchange project has received support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Alexander Jarosik from OvGU and Peter Rupnik from JSI have completed their first collaborative research stays at OvGU and JSI, respectively.

Our team presented two talks at the European Liquid Crystal Conference in Rende, Italy: "Fine-Tuning Nanoscale Properties and Dynamics of Liquid Crystal Magnets" and "Polarity Effects in Ferroelectric Nematics and Their Hybrids in Bulk and Confinement."

Excellent four presentations were given by our joint team of OvGU Magdeburg and Braunschweig University at the International Conference of Magnetic Fluids in Granada, Spain:
“Influence of an ionic surfactant on the collective dynamics of magnetic nanoplatelets”
“Magnetic field dependence of the magnetic dynamics of BaHF nanoplatelet suspensions”
“Topologically-assisted self-assembly driven tilting in nematic liquid crystal hybrids with dendronised nanoparticles”
“Dynamics of liquid magnets in a rotating magnetic field”


A joint effort between departments of Nonlinear Phenomena (ANP) and Material Physics (AMP) allowed to successfully study charge carrier mobility using Time-of-Flight technique in liquid crystalline semiconductors based on subphthalocyanines. The project is supported by DFG (ER 467/17-1).



Frau Johanna Koschollek, Schülerin der 9. Klasse des Magdeburger Hegel-Gymnasiums, untersucht aktive magnetische Tropfen im Rahmen des MINT-Praktikums

03.11.2022  15.30 Uhr  Promotionsverteidigung MSc. Christoph Klopp

Im Gebäude 22 Raum A-208


06.12.2021  Congratulations: Mahdieh Mohammadi defended her PhD thesis


03.12.2021 Congratulations: Micha Zenker defended his bachelor thesis

"Dynamik platonischer Körper bei mechanischer Anregung"


Physikerin der Woche 2020 - November

Dr. Hajnalka Nadasi (Magdeburg) - Kalenderwoche 49

Hajnalka is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Nonlinear Phenomena at the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg. Her research focuses on Soft Matter such as liquid crystals, magnetic suspensions, and gels. Understanding the effects of the relationship between the nanoscale structure and dynamics on the macroscale properties of such materials enables the tailoring of smart materials for optics, biology, medicine, and engineering. She is especially interested in photomanipulation of liquid crystals and magnetic soft materials. She uses polarization and confocal microscopy as well as a photomodulation technique to study the induced structural and optical anisotropy by external stimuli.



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